It would be bigger news to find a municipality where paratransit doesn’t suck and isn’t ripping off the municipality, Medicaid, private insurance, and anyone else they can think to bill for “services”.
My wife is a paraplegic. One of the most valuable possessions she has is her own car with a wheelchair topper. It’s her key to the world. It means she’s not dependent on other people to leave the house. It allows me to go to work without worrying how she’ll get out and about if she needs to.
Nah, I’m not a blogger/journalist. Why do something for free when some of us are getting paid to “supposedly” do that work?
Sad? Some days. Today is not that day though.
If you’re not a US citizen, and you’re not in the US, you don’t cause problems (for US citizens).
“When he kept getting away with it he kept doing it the same way. That probably led to his capture.” it doesn’t sound that way. she didn’t go to the police with her suspicions so they could trap him when he came back one night. they got him when they chased him & he crashed into a pole.
It sucks that you think that he and everyone else who can’t afford a minivan with a custom wheelchair lift should die from medical neglect.
So everything would be okay if Texas provided your preferred level of social services? I see a pointless mocking of Texas.
Because Texas is automatically exempt from complying with ADA. Just because it’s Texas.
We have that service in the SF Bay Area. It was so bad the local CBS affiliate did an investigation and found the contractor was taking 2+hours for a less than 10 mile run while overcharging the transit district. This scam was going on for years.
Had the gentleman not been here the thefts would not have occurred? But I dunno, I could be wrong.
I’d have to strongly disagree. Unless his goal was to go to jail he almost certainly wishes he had gotten away with it at least 1 more time...
I noticed we studiously didn’t mention his immigration status...
I imagine he's satisfied at how long he got away with it.
it doesn’t sound like a money issue so much as a timing issue. insurance doesn’t pay out the next day, and if it takes 2 months to get paid, her husband is home bound for 2 months.
It’s funny how criminals are so clever and so stupid all at the same time. When he kept getting away with it he kept doing it the same way. That probably led to his capture.
It’s a specialty vehicle that fits a wheelchair. Insurance can be pretty cheap when it comes to modified vehicles.
Somewhere this woman has a diary wondering where she’s been going at night and why she can’t remember in the morning that she’s now hidden.
“We look at, how does the car work together,” some random aftermarket tuner said. “What is the chassis balance, what is the powertrain for that, and where we landed on that—900hp 2Jz swap provides us with the best combination of vehicle power and acceleration to the weight and chassis.”