10 cc's of Nitrous - STAT!

This guy knows the gear oil struggle. I rebuilt a diff with my dad for his ‘65 Buick Sportwagon. The smell was BY FAR AND AWAY the absolute WORST thing to have EVER assaulted my sinuses. I keep a bottle of that liquid horror around and whenever I’m working on my engine or trans or whatever with my friends and they

ATF has NOTHING on gear lube. Filling up my diff left a smell I was NOT AT ALL prepared for.


Camry brings herself
To a throne of power
defiles prestige.

If we’re talking about you’re average gun range and not some shitty one at some random state fair, then your safe. Everyone at a range acknowledges (or at least should acknowledge)the danger and extreme safety precautions are taken. Nobody should have any false pretense that they are operating something that doesn’t

It’s not that I don’t fit vertically, my deviation from standard is horizontal, and therein lies my problem.

You’ll more than likely fit well

The nb2 is the miata I tried to fit in! Maybe there’s hope for me yet!

That’s it. Time to lose some weight. Anybody have a good work out routine for beginners?

Let me put it like this. Give doctor Eggman much fatter legs. I can get in but it’s more like deforming around the interior than sitting down. There are probably some people like me who say they fit in the miata, not everybody wants the same level of comfort. Different strokes for different folks.

Now I’m really excited to drive one!

I have weirdly long legs and weigh 300 pounds. It’s like taking a bowl of jello and cramming it into a glass. Sure you can make it fit, but it’s a reaaaaaaal squeeze. I loooove the driving position for the record, roadsters are the. Best. Cars. Period.

I love s2ks even though they’re a little cramped. That gearbox is an absolute dream! Haven’t driven a brz actually, slacked off for too long!

My dad was a development engineer on the Saturn Sky and Pontiac Solstice and I have fond memories of blasting around in those. I also know I fit in them, so I’ll probably get a turbo Sky.

You assume my height is the problem. The majority of my problem is my girth. I fit in the same way a cork fits a bottle. I’m like real fat. Like 300 pounds fat.

I’m jelly bro. My height isn’t the issue, I’m the other big.

42, and my legs are strangely long. like STRANGELY long.

I do look pretty hilarious, but you get used to it. On the plus side “uncomfortable” racing seats fit me reaaaaaaaaaaaally well.

I’m the last person you need to tell that. See my previous comments about me being a doctor eggman shaped freak.

I’m only 6 feet tall. Mostly I just can’t lay off the burgers and have abnormally long legs. I’m the kind of person who causes people on Tinder to consider gouging their eyes out.