10 cc's of Nitrous - STAT!

slightly tall and fat
6’00”, 42 inseam.
I’m all arms and legs though.

I love MR2’s! They’re a riot to drive, if you’re a bit careful.

I don’t like Miatas because they are to small for me. As in I literally don’t fit in them. As in my knees cannot clear the steering wheel with maximum tall and fat settings in the seat and wheels. Life is one big, unfair, disappointment innit?

which one?
and before you get all mad and ask “how many more kids have to die before you support gun control?”
All of them.

I thought this was sound logic until they were stitching my face back together. I could have saved myself an awful lot of pain if I had a means to fight back when that happened. I suppose it’s also worth mentioning that this guy (friends neighbor) went to jail on 1 count of assault and 2 counts of illegal possession

You got it boss. Given how much of a klutz I am expect a vid within a few months

Responsible, no. Dangerous? also no! Hit a range and have some fun with us! I promise we don’t bite, and we love to show off our stuff so someone is bound to let you shoot their gun if you don’t want to rent/borrow/buy/go with someone with guns. It really is an eye opening experience!

I promise you if I flip the car, shoot myself in the leg, or get hurt in a(nother) rock climbing accident I’ll put it on youtube so someone can use it as a precautionary tale and you can laugh.

I’ve been in a wreck while street racing, fallen off a rock wall without restraints (I was only ten feet up, thank god I suck at climbing), and been held at gunpoint. I’m driving in a LeMons race next year, I’d love to retry rock climbing wwith restraints (if I ever get fit again), and I already have the gun I plan on

Ohio only has the best rank because it has cops so strict they would frighten George Orwell. Michigan is 41 because we have self control and super chill cops.

I have diligently followed my first car around Michigan since the day my parents made me sell it, lying in wait for the sale date and my bank account value to align. I Know exactly where it is right now, I will always know where it is, and the second I have enough spare change it will be in my garage.

I think it means that some spoiled high school kids with dad’s wallet, a fetish for “Paul Walker: gone 2 soon” stickers, and a roll of fake carbon fiber duct tape will finally give Honda some well deserved peace and quiet.

Even their musical taste is Patrick Bateman-esque. It’s all soulless middle of the road stuff that you can tell they only listen too because they think it’s expected of them.

I once went on about how the 70’s were a weird time. I take it all back, the 90’s were STRANGE AS HELL, and I’m glad I was kid through em instead of working with stuffed shirt creeps like these.

You have to buy them with a certain amount of rationale. I can’t just go down to the dealership and pick up a Ferrari because my heart told me to, I have to think with my wallet a bit, and I had the money to blow, you can bet I’d be laying fat strips of rubber all over in my black McLaren. Given the choice between

I think that Donald trump would be shilling for Ferrari and Rolex though.

3 dank 5 me tbh fam.

This is exactly the kind of thinking that keeps BMW more popular than Audi, keeps manned missions to Mars more popular than sending satellites out of our solar system, and keeps the companies like Ferrari and Rolex from wanting to develop products that are superior in any way other than flashiness.