
Austin fucked me up a few times as well. SXSW can be too much fun.

“He’s fine.” — New Orleans Saints concussion protocol staff

He was asking for it

Makes total sense.

i hope he makes it home safe

He’ll be joining the police force within 5 years.

majoring in criminal justice

But seriously, I don’t generally have a problem with their stage persona. It’s once they’re off camera that I have concerns.

There’s a time and a place to discuss the sometimes meaningful differences between various forms of sexual misconduct.

Apparently not, and that’s precisely the problem.

You may be the only one who considers that a joke.

Am I the only one who thinks pulling your dick out as a joke shouldn’t be lumped in with malicious sexual assault?

Immediately after the game, the San Francisco 49ers reached out to offer the St. Michael-Albertville defensive coordinator a job as an assistant coach.

I suspect it doesn’t matter how tough or good you are or how much you want to get back out there and win the game for the team.

Buy better steak and cook it with fire.

People who pay for steak in restaurants are lazy people who don’t appreciate good food prepared properly..

Huh. What were the odds that Brett Favre was going to put his money into a drug designed to REDUCE swelling?

Everyone has a big hard-on for Bill Belichick and his whole DO YOUR JOB mantra, but the reason that mantra works for the Patriots is because Belichick, ever the micromanager, has put best practices in place that ALLOW players to do their job.

And dozens of them are in the Wu-Tang Clan.