
This right here. I work for a law firm. My name was literally the first on the list the judge called to be dismissed.

It’s a mostly a very good list of nominees.

Oldman’s performance was all makeup. He doesn’t deserve an Oscar for it. DDL was much better. So was Chalamet. And Kaluuya for that matter. Haven’t seen Roman Israel, DDS because why would I?

Yeah, the 85 percent of the country that has no idea what Roy Rogers is or where they’re located.

There was some sleaziness to his plays, but nothing that seemed outside the Tom Haverford playbook of overreaching. Certainly nothing that constitutes coercion.

The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.

Just here for the comments:

We need them to win so media day will be ridiculous.

She said “fucking retar-”, I believe.

Other than some idle speculation by local media, no one has previously reported anything close to the bit about why the Garoppolo trade happened. Beyond that, the piece sketches out details on things that people only knew about in a general sense beforehand, such as the weird split between Guerrero and the Patriots

“Thoughts and prayers”

Because a runner is considered to already be in possession of the ball.

Because they haven’t established possession through the whole catch; where as the runner has possession as soon as it is handed to him. It’s stupid, but it is what it is.

Um, no. The article shows that the procedure wasn’t followed to a tee. Which is why the problem is one of enforcement, just as the headline says.

When I was at one of these in Hershey a few years ago, the sweepers were moving them all into a corner of the rink for bagging up, and one of the players came skating up and dove onto the stack. It was one of the most joyful things I have ever seen another human being do- “WHEEEE!”

Everything about these make sense and confirm there are things right with the world.

Also I hope Nick Foles turns into Superman and wins a Super Bowl because 2017 is WEIRD

Who taught Mose sex?

The only upside for me has been the comic, almost Jetsian, level of blinkered ineptitude this was handled with.

Eli deserved his shot at 2-14. He’s earned that.