
if he’s doing well in life he’ll be a functioning alcoholic, whether he ever takes a drink again or not.

Josh Gordon Says He Got Drunk Before Every Browns Game

When my daughter was 2, she refused to let me use wet wipes to clean her after she pooped, and insisted on being wiped with a shred of an American flag which had been moistened with tears shed by decent upstanding citizens at the moral decay our society has been experiencing since, oh, about September 22nd, 1862. But

“JuJus will not replace us” - Martavis Bryant

You want to talk staple chaos? Let me tell you about staple chaos.

2 games?? He didn’t knock his wife out cold in an elevator!!!

The ironic thing is that Marshawn Lynch represents everything that chuds used to complain was missing from pro sports. He loves playing football, shows that love with how he plays, is a genuinely interesting and thoughtful person, dislikes and distrusts the media and the more commercial aspects of the sport, and

As opposed to Caitlyn Jenner, who was the first athlete to take trans public.

You seem like someone who has good takes and is fun at parties. Please DM me your info so I can invite you to my next party.

He’s the first athlete to take public trans, as long as you don’t consider the decathlon a sport.

WTF, no opinion on diagonal staples? So much better, and less chance of tearing.

Where Do You Start Shaving Your Face First?

+ (building) 7

Obviously man. It’s always been about economic anxiety.

I see you. Take your star and be gone with you.

Jet Fool puts belt on real seams.

Really makes you think this backlash isn’t about respecting the country at all, doesn’t it?

Of course this might not have happened if Rodgers had a “health guru” who would make him“smoothies” have him follow a strict “alkaline” regimen like Tom Brady.

I’m a Pats fan and I cannot understand for the life of me how that wasn’t a touchdown. Never mind a fumble through the endzone and a touchback.