
I remember Red Sonja almost too well, which is basically at all. I think we may have owned this on VHS because it was the original tape in the $5 bin. Anyway, it was awful, but the Conan movies were so terrible that it mixed in well with them.

Their on-field performance has clued us all in that they were looking to draft a QB all season.

There’s something wrong with people

A drink or two does not mess up motor skills that much, particularly for muscle memory behavior and when we’re talking about a high-volume abuser. They consider it a loosening up, just like one might “loosen up” before a social event or skiing (always have two drinks before skiing).

Pink, your understanding is wrong. A functional alcoholic is someone who currently drinks every single day.

“In both cases, at best, it represents THE fundamental theology of sex in those religions.”

blah, blah, blah - religion, religious people, and religious practices are dumb & wrong and stupid and of course patriarchal.

There’s not much profit in there at all at $7,000 per event.

Sean did it all for the nooky.

are you a terrorist? because one of these options is perfect and brilliant and brings peace and harmony to the world, and the OTHER IS SHEER TERRIFYING CHAOS!!!!

exactly. you turn the page diagonally when it is stapled, so the correct answer is that anyone on team vertical or horizontal is a mental incompetent. Fire these people.

Honest question. I’m not some MRA or rabble-rouser. However, after reading the first paragraph of this article, I was tempted to skip down and make some comment to the effect of, “JFC how can you type so well with Rodgers dick in your mouth” or “how his dictate?” then I noticed that the author is a woman. Now, I feel

I guaran-fucking-tee you that he doesn’t take that fucking hat off either.

elbows. They are the montreal elbows, now and forever.

Montreal Elbows, FTW.

This just proves how lame rain delays in baseball are. Sports are played through the rain. Baseball will remain a “pass time” until it decides to nut up.

No one was offended by that joke. Anyone who addressed is definitely an asshole, and not the good kind. The fact that he went back and apologized is lame as fuck.

definitely over 50, likely over 60. This kid deserves jailtime with a side of assrape.

This is the haughty dipshit “philosopher” of the week.

Standing ovation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!