
I’m still inside that “you got lucky” video, and I’m going to remain there for the rest of the day. Goodbye awful world.

It looks like he set up a stand to sell flags and flag-laden merch while this was going on. I would like to know whether he had vendors license and what he’s declaring to the IRS on his take here, because nothing is more American or more patriotic than paying your fucking taxes.

I think you are very confused, and I would be wary of Sportsnet’s coverage of something in which they have a very direct stake.

These are very stupid people, as if you couldn’t tell from the commentary. How does no one on this boat not know to cut his fucking brain stem?

He’s right. It’s that simple.

Yeah, he probably should not rush back for October or even November hockey. Ottawa is a 30 win team without him. Also, I’d like to see what kind of player he is on an actual hockey team. Could you imagine him being let loose where he didn’t have to be all things in both ends every shift and play 30 minutes every

And the NFL wonders why attendance continues to drop. Just look at the live game experience.

The weather is better, still not cold enough (fuck you, I live on the sun). Football is back, hockey is (almost)back, school is back, brown liquor tastes better, and no one will try to put a corona or a fucking margarita in my hand for 9 more months.

Albert, if you’re cold during fall, you’re fucking pussy.