Or, instead of protesting, they should be learning CPR for the next time their friends are shot full of bullets?
Or, instead of protesting, they should be learning CPR for the next time their friends are shot full of bullets?
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
Who would have thought that Quentin Tarantino would be the first person to admit he knew Weinstein was crossing the line and he should have been a better person and not worked with him?
Preachin’ to the chyre.
At the moment, you have zero stars and zero replies, but your text shows up in black. Therefore, you are definitively Not Gray.
Well, Thomas did predict this would result in a wave of litigation. The administration seems intent on proving him right.
It happens more often than you’d think.
jesus christ, that is horrifying. thank god he didn’t douse her in kerosene.
If Friday nights are for wearing your least bummy Going Out top, then perhaps “Boy,” by Vanderpump Rules’…
Nah, that’s just MissingNo. about to go for a dip.
Omg this is why so many actors are gay! They diet so much and don’t eat enough cake!
So when you go on a diet, well, look out West Hollywood!
Good thing he’s not in college. Those consumer protection violations might get him kicked out!
You might say that this Chamberlin...
“Your job doesn’t stop until you’re voted out, or until your term expires,” Obama said of the Senate,
A fun idea, being instituted for what we’re sure are totally non-bullshit reasons: female reporters at Chicago Fox…
The dead end was frustrating, because, as a fat feminist, I was hungry to find out who the original poster could be so I could then eat them.
She’s an asshole.