
Natural selection sounds great until you're the one being selected. Does he also not wash his cuts? Has he ever used soap? How about tooth paste? Does he sleep outside? Is he going to be angry when your kids need antibiotics to keep from doing of earache run amock?

Whoa, wait. Whoa. Hold on. Let's not be hasty with the mocking. I just realized I have a deep, aching void in my life that can only be filled with those eyelashes, a blonde wig and like twenty feet of blue and white tulle for the world's most kickass Elsa costume.

Aaaah! She's pulling off her SKIN!

It sounds like someone carefully planning how to be free spirited and spontaneous and completely delightful. Because movies!

He might have a point; 'Battle axe' is secret asshole language for 'woman who won't take shit'