
Yeah, Night Man sucks. Everyone knows that Day Man is champion of the Night Man.

In fact, yes! You might even say that the December blog about Thibodeau over-relying on his starters and burning them out before the playoffs arrive is specifically mentioned and linked to in the post above this comment section.

If you don’t love me at my

Long Live Gawker!

Now playing

When he’s doing bullshit like this, there isn’t anything you can do. That’s why he’s so good and also why he’s the fucking worst.

I hate it too. The only thing I can think of is for defenders to start fouling him hard when he does the flailing thing. If you are going to get called for a foul, might as well actually foul him.

Some of the calls Harden gets are absolutely infuriating, man. I get it, flailing like you get pounded on every call is beneficial and he games the system better than maybe anyone ever has. But it’s just so goddamn annoying and frustrating to watch him play.

Surprised not to have seen them anywhere, but how about this three track set from side A of Metallica’s Ride the Lighting:

For DC I’d have to go with High Voltage... It’s A Long Way To The Top, Rock N Roll Singer, The Jack. Doesn’t get much better than that.

I’m On Fire - No Surrender - Bobby Jean

I’ve often thought that “Girls In Their Summer Clothes” -> “I’ll Work For Your Love” -> “Magic” from Magic is one of Springsteen’s best latter-day three-packs.

Oh, wow, forgot to do R.E.M. I would probably choose...

Minor Threat, 1st ep: Filler -> I don’t wanna hear it -> Seeing Red

oh wow, i have to go to the Garden in order to have opinions on the Celtics and their fans? my bad. in a related story: i hope you’ve never had strong opinions about a movie unless you’ve made one for a big studio.

About the washer-dryer alignment - I can’t think of a place I’ve lived in where the washer-dryer was anything OTHER than dryer on the left, washer on the right. I rented a few places that had stackables, but the 3 houses I’ve lived in the longest all had dryer on the left, washer on the right.

Anybody that talks shit about The Sandlot is an L7 weenie.

It was for me. It was huge when I was first getting into sports. Before Space Jam, those were the go-to sports movies for the boys I knew.

The Sandlot is the Citizen Kane of sentimental kids sports movies. Anyone who writes a negative review of it is cold hearted homunculus incapable of actual human joy, you know like our President.

You can have Mighty Ducks but if you come for The Sandlot I swear to god I’ll do absolutely nothing other than disagree in the comments.
