
I once wrote on my Christmas letter that I wanted a pineapple. No idea why; I enjoy Hawaiian pizza, and I do like pineapple in fruit salad, but no more so than the usual person.

With a better angle, you can see the contact

Check out the other angles - you can see Green hip check him, causing him to move his leg to try to land clean.

I like it, but it’s missing the one thing I need in a gaming laptop - discrete mouse buttons. Trying to hold down a right click while simultaneously hitting left click is basically impossible.

Once the Genesis G70 comes out, are you guys planning a Stinger v G70 article?  I’m looking hard at the G70, and am curious how it stacks up, dollar for dollar.

(Spoiler Alert on a 20 year old book)

If anyone wants to team up (on PS4), gamertag: Snodogpete

You definitely can play solo - I had to kill 150 enemies on a specific planet as part of unlocking another, so rather than try to kill 150 with a team, just chose to run a defense mission solo. A quest mission required me to steal 3 secrets without losing one by alerting the guards, and that was just easier without

I checked out Warframe when it first came out (2013?) and after becoming a Founder, played for a month or two, and got bored of the repetition and generic-ness. Just came back to the game last month with the release of Plains, and have been amazed at the progress. It definitely provides a little of everything you

Don’t put your trust in revolutions. They always come around again. That’s why theyre called revolutions. People die, and nothing changes.- Sam Vimes, Night Watch

As someone named after their father/grandfather, my parents decided to go the southern route of First Name plus Middle Name. So now my dad is Hatches and I’m HatchesHatches.

This. This all day.

My best man and his wife are expecting, it’s a girl, and the name she wants is a porn star, both first and last (Charlee [or Charlie] Chase). Best part? My friend has no idea. I’m debating between sending him her site right now, or waiting until his daughter is born and he can’t change it.

Alright team, we need to find a way to reroute all the used engines. On fire porsche engine > no engine.

Man, that was the best part of my mornings. Get a cup of coffee, open up twitter, and get a scene from Top Gun right there in the feed. Bastards.

Does anyone else see that shape and color, and just mentally add gold wheels? Or is it just me.

Swarovski Optik makes some ridiculously high end binoculars, rifle scopes and spotting scopes. We're talking thousands of dollars.

I've almost given up looking at "Look at this new hatchback/wagon" posts, since they just depress me. /sigh America. /sigh.