You'd think that, as a motorist, Emma would stop and help Toby since she just hit him. Nope. Not the case. Instead, she drove off, and tweeted about the incident right after it happened.
You'd think that, as a motorist, Emma would stop and help Toby since she just hit him. Nope. Not the case. Instead, she drove off, and tweeted about the incident right after it happened.
Shall we play a game?
It wouldn't be as nightmare-worthy if they hadn't put teeth in. And not just your "look at my perfect fake teeth" but teeth with discoloration and shapes akin to a real mouth.
Definitely need to do a guest "Will it Baby" spot.
It's kinda funny/sad to see someone both so excited and completely disappointed they didn't get the chance to win.
Yeah, this is quite cheap for quality furniture. Of course it depends on where you are/what you're buying, but it's not uncommon where I grew up (SF Suburbs) to sit on couches that cost more than the poverty line for a single person.
If I could annotate video, I would point out the guy in the green shirt when the audience sees the car.
vegetable oil fuel system
“Did you ever pull up to a red light, and go a little bit too far into the intersection? Just a few extra feet? So you put the car in reverse and back up just a little bit. And then you forget the car is in reverse? And so you sit there, innocently, waiting for the light to change…At this point, you are truly an…
Since 2011
Avellone comes on board if they hit $3.5m (which is about another $250k, give or take), so it seems likely they will get the band back together.
The issue is more on what else is in the compressed air they fill your tire with. Any moisture will expand and contract in relation to temperature at a higher rate, rather than "dry" nitrogen. I assume any "dry" gas could work, as long as you know the rate of expansion with temperature.
I almost voted NP purely for the Bon Jovi/Young Bloods reference in the title. Well played.
Yes, but you can argue she was responding to an "existing condition [that] reasonably require[s] a speed below that of the applicable maximum", and especially since there were cars behind her, you can assume she was traveling at "less than the normal speed of traffic under these conditions." Therefor, she should have…