“We do this with everyone!”
“We do this with everyone!”
It’s always like that, the victim’s face and identity is always fair game, but god forbid you “ruin the lives” of the perpetrators. It’s sickening.
Yes, as long as you’re sorry. We wouldn’t want an unfortunate misunderstanding to ruin the futures of any promising young men. /s
Exactly what those parents will say.
I understand I just sound like an Internet tough guy, here. But if this was my son, I would be in prison right now, after dragging each of these evil little fucks out of their houses and beating the shit from them on their front lawns.
And then there was the MASSIVE outrage (if it were true it was well founded) about the mentally challenged white boy back in 2016-ish was it? Harassed and made to do unfathomable acts as well by reportedly some Black school age kids. Much was done to those monsters involved about that issue and I cannot remember anythi…
“I hit stupid orange cones all the time, ON PURPOSE, because, like Elon, I realize they serve no useful purpose except to hold back a multitide ofimbeciles like you, sitting in your cars, slaves to one stupid little orange cone.”
According to Amazon’s own numbers, only 1500 permanent jobs are going to be created by this. The 25,000 figure was a bullshit number dreamed up by their PR department.
I’m sure all the people who criticized Representative Ocasio-Cortez for criticizing the original tax break are now going to apologize to her. Right?
I bet you think publicly funded sports stadiums are good for cities too.
That every previous jobs claim to get state or federal money I have seen has been overinflated and often includes temp jobs. The 25,000 jobs number likely included all the different construction jobs, cleaning crews and anyone involved in it for more than a minute while the new 1,500 jobs is likely the true permanent…
The best part is those 1,500 jobs are realistically what the hq2 would of brought any way.
Tossing aside the obvious that Black people are 12% of the population and can’t possibly overthrow white people, I simply don’t understand the psyche of white people.
It is a well-known fact that people with racist views cannot possibly have an ongoing sexual relationship with someone outside of their own racial or ethnic group. It is so much a fact, that there exist absolutely no counterexamples in history.
Then when Bernie said the following sentence Costa said, “that is true, that’s why...” as if he fucking had the rest of it with him and was just lying like a Trump.
Yes, Bernie was and is correct that if we didnt have redlining, then schools would have been more integrated and more minorities would have already had access to better education.
I figured the nuclear explosion of Rep. Al Green filing articles of impeachment would be the bigger BOOM and this site’s birthday and non-denominational late year holiday present all wrapped up in one gift.
RWNJ: I can’t believe that liberals are so obscene because they resort to using swear words!
Their clutching shall render their pearls unto dust! Someone fetch Lindsay Graham’s faintin’ couch!
Breathlessly awaiting the RWNJ media shock and horror that Bernie said a swear word.