The real world conditions are that lesbians exist, and people are generally okay with them. Is that not a good thing?
The real world conditions are that lesbians exist, and people are generally okay with them. Is that not a good thing?
How is the celebration of homosexuality homophobic?
Perhaps you need to ask women why they have such sick perverse fantasies. Like seriously, the stuff in all of these romance novels I bought and read for research is just sickening.
I’d ask for less politics. Nothing kills fun faps faster than politics.
Yup, another victim of the oppressive misogynistic alt-right terrorist hate-group that is feminism.
Oh look, feminist terrorists successfully drive yet another woman out of video games by pressuring Twitch into banning her account.
I agree that it probably won’t, but as a little thought experiment let’s just say that it does. What do you think would happen?
One could go as far as call it a fake outrage of the deplorables.
What happens if the name “immigrant” makes it into the English version?
The Washington Examiner is the most notable neutral publication to cover it. Both the author, Ashe Schow, and the publication have no affiliation with GamerGate, Crash Override Network, Feminist Frequency, or video game media in general.
You can believe whatever you want regarding the political affiliation of the sites reporting on it, however the information itself is legit.
Crash Override Network, an anti-harassment organization founded by Zoe Quinn and partially funded by Anita Sarkeesian’s Feminist Frequency.
Weeeelll... I may have contributed to operations like Pool’s Closed and Fucking Magnets between 5 to 10 years ago.
I just noticed this bit, and will respond to it now.
Being published in a peer-reviewed journal simply means that anyone who subscribes to that journal can challenge the findings, either by writing in a critique of the experiment, discussing it with the researchers during a symposium presentation, or attempting to replicate the experiment. It doesn’t necessarily mean…
That’s not nearly clear enough. Any study that creates their own classification system will ideally list out how each criteria within that system was formulated. Failing that, they have to at least include their classification criteria or coding system in the appendix.
This takes me back.
Hate leads to the dark side!
Yeah, they said they used their literature review to help create their classification system. They didn’t say exactly which references they used (beyond the IACP policies) for this process, nor did they say how they applied it.
Kotaku covered Feminist Frequency earlier this month. In the past, Kotaku have also written quite a number of articles on the subjects of Feminist Frequency, Zoe Quinn, GamerGate, and the “culture war” within gaming. Kotaku had an article regarding Alison Rapp’s termination from Nintendo within hours of it happening,…