
I did examine it, a lot. Its how I came to such a complex conclusion. The conversation went somewhat like this.

And you’re bringing up random points with no relation to the discussion.

Why would you bring up the Chinese then if it adds nothing to the discussion?

If you were to oppress them as artists and make them unable to pursue their passion, wouldn’t that be equivalent oppressing the woman who holds that passion?

We were talking about my Shepard’s relationship with Tali. What other side of the story could there be for my Shepard besides my story?

Well, when she found out that I’m an anti-feminist she immediately started hurling insults at me over the course of a few months before finally cutting off all contact in a fit of rage, despite having been really close friends for years.

Oh no, the real heroes are the women of Japan who rose up to protect the creative freedom that they and their male peers enjoy in their medium against the oppressive foreign culture being pushed by the UN.

So you were the perfect example of a person being misled into making a snap judgement based on the same racist, sexist stereotype that is being repeated and spread in the video, and you don’t see the problem with that?

I guess that’s the crux of the matter, isn’t it?

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PreCure isn’t just some cherry-picked niche anime, its the biggest mainstream magical girl anime on Japanese TV. A new episode each week, every week of the year (except one or two annual break weeks for national events), a new cast every year for the past 13 years. It surpassed Sailor Moon in popularity a long time

I highly doubt that your appraisal will be accurate regardless, since you’re mistaking Japanese names for Chinese names.

Its not a lolicon manga. It featured a precocious 8-year-old girl, but the 23 year old teacher never gets into her throughout the entirety of the manga. He refuses her at all times, and always views her as one of his charges, a child.

The women saw it as an oppression, and they outlined exactly how it was going to oppress them.

... how women are depicted in manga; an industry, primarily led by men, which does in fact objectify women much of the time, or depict outright abuse of women in them.

Rule 34 applied to bedwear.

Yes. You went for the same stereotype and quickly conflated Kodomo no Jikan to pornography, eventhough the actual book was more akin to Adult Fiction and not pornographic. You are responsible for making the same racist, sexist snap judgements born out of ignorance that the alt-right make use of to power their

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The fact that he’s repeating and spreading a racist, sexist stereotype regarding Japanese creators makes him a tool of the alt-right, even if he believes he isn’t.

Now playing

To illustrate an example of anime diversity that Americans will officially never see, I present the PreCure series.

Its meant to emulate the feeling of being in a live audience, however there is a button you could press to turn off the text scrolling over the screen. It can be pretty fun to see and participate in the chat garbage explosions across the screen.