Kotaku has gone out of its way to call out the use of gendered insults in the past in an effort to make the gaming community more welcoming, and I agree with their efforts.
Kotaku has gone out of its way to call out the use of gendered insults in the past in an effort to make the gaming community more welcoming, and I agree with their efforts.
I fail to see how using gendered insults like “trillby wearing babyman” is in any way acceptable.
The benefit of the doubt over what, exactly? Riki used “resting bitch face” to describe herself, and I made sure to note it so that people will not mistake it for a gendered insult.
You misunderstand. I was calling out Mudbud’s gendered insults that were targeting men. I don’t think he was targeting women, however if he was I would’ve called it out too.
She mentioned it herself on her Facebook a couple of years ago when someone said that she looked sad, hence the “(her own words)“ bit.
It don’t matter what’s between their legs, as long as there’s love.
I don’t think Mudbud deserves his approved status considering the amount of awful gendered insults he’s throwing around along with his generally toxic behaviour.
I’m just here to inform you that I’m flagging every single one of your posts as hate-speech from now on based on your frequent use of gendered insults and general toxicity.
So that’s what that means? I had no idea it was such an awful gendered insult.
She has a bit of a resting bitch face (her own words).
I know what I’m playing.
You’re mistaken in assuming that the end-goal of those hate-groups is equal-opportunity.
Don’t be silly, male characters can’t be sexualized because sexism = privilege + power.
Considering how flippantly violent the Saints Row games were, I’m kinda surprised that there wasn’t a deluge of articles proclaiming the games as misogynistic and transphobic and so on.
Think of it as weight training + cardio.
Baby steps. First, you figure out how to strap a PC to your back.
This is all the proof I need that Jezebel is a hate-group.
I fail to see how Japan’s lukewarm reception is anywhere comparable to the US’s mass hysteria.