Jman40513 is back, this time with this little gem:
Jman40513 is back, this time with this little gem:
There is a Minecraft hentai visual novel.
Its still a tragedy that R-type Tactics 2 never got an English release.
Oops, you’re right. I thought he learned it from Master Roshi but he actually learned it from King Kai, and he’s the only one who was able to learn it successfully.
We already had the different variants of Kaioken, but yeah it’d be nice if there was something else for the non-human non-saiyan races. I don’t recall humans ever developing anything besides Kaioken.
I hope they fix up the net-code. The net-code and servers were god-awful in Xenoverse, at least for the PC version.
They’re Japanese characters, you racist mo-fo!
Don’t worry, Asia in general feels the same way about the Western world.
But I thought I’m supposed to “listen and believe”, especially when its a woman or a transperson using SJW in a derogatory manner.
Acquiring unrefined dilithium ore is very easy, especially after they added the Admiralty system which is basically another WoW Garison-like thing for Ships instead of Crew.
You are supposed to hit the Warp Home button and pick a new Shell from the spawner at home.
... if I remember correctly there are still payed ships that are technically better then the fleet ships.
Um, the ships that have better stats (aka Fleet stats) can either be:
I’m keeping my fingers crossed for an iOS version. Its the only way I’ve been able to play the Phoenix Wright games since I don’t have any handheld consoles.
The WCS tournament system is divided into 2 regions, Korea and “everyone else”.
Now that you’ve been made aware that the mangaka is a woman, you have to watch it and like it and fully support it without any form of negative criticism, or else you’ll be branded as misogynistic according to Feminist Law.