That was awesome. My wife has a drama button, but I only press it on accident, and its a lot less fun.
That was awesome. My wife has a drama button, but I only press it on accident, and its a lot less fun.
The lighting looks good. Now if developers can fix animation, I'll be happy.
Protecting kids is one thing, but closing off all forms of normal social interaction will, I feel, make many of these individuals more criminal.
I hope you can add different lenses on the bottom. If they can also work as sun glasses I might like them I would have little need of them in most indoor environments.
"Perhaps I live in a different la-la land" most accurate quote ever. Thanks Jesus, this quote made my day.
Especially since these would not be operating over populated areas. Over the ocean or farms is most likely.
The best part is we're the ones paying for it, in so many ways.
They lack the warm fuzzyness of real girl scout cookies. I'm calling this article evil by default. Next week your going to tell us how substitute adopting a pet, by getting a pet rock.
How much power does MPAA have. How much government money is wasted in its legally dubious pursuits.
You ever take it off any sweet jumps?
We need rules established. For government agencies there need to be rules on what they can do, not what they can't do.
An Inconvenient Truth, that movie is how to look like a environmentalist for dummies. Honestly Kirk you sound like a "Coolaid drinker" of the worst sort. One who does not understand how people can see the world differently then you do and you feel they just need to be educated like you are.
Can some Uber rich benefactor buy me one, I want.
By glitches now you mean women drivers right.
I forgive you Spike Lee, please don't use your black hate powers on me.
I think games should limit their server size to real world social structures. In real life the number of relevant social contacts at about 300 people. Any more then this would not add to the "Living" aspect and often dilute the experience of being an important character.
I can deal with it, but I never pay full asking price for a game that inconvinences me or could. My biggest worry is not being able to play in the future. Every once in a while I get nostalgic and play old games. I could easily see a company shutting down old authentication servers just to encourage people to purchase…
Rather then trying to change the market they should adapt them selves to the current market. Music, books, movies are all having to adjust to the digital reality. You would hope that games could do this gracefully since they are the digital medium.
The parents are both victims and criminals.
I know its fun to hate on Rupert Murdoch, but only a complete asshole, uses the headline "Rupert Murdoch Employed Hackers to Destroy a Pay-TV Rival" when its still speculation. Does know one at Gizmodo believe its only appropriate to accuse someone of a crime if that is the case. How hard is it to put the word accused…