Hashtag Typist

You do know that referring to people as frenchies is extremely racist don't you you mindless septic

What the fuck are you even talking about?

I bought Nuts, and FHM, does that help?

It's past midnight here in the outlands. The savages need placating or we're all for the pot, and not in a good way

I enjoyed this film immensely, coming to it with no expectations it was a bit of a b movie treat

Or they didn't ask

"The French are racist, anti semitic and xenophobic as fuck"
Well that's fine then. Is that in the same way as all English are snobs, all Americans are gun nuts, all Mexicans are lazy and all Jews are greedy, cheap and untrustworthy?

Story wise and artwise maybe. Claremont's dialogue is appalling


You're obviously a moron too. Being critical of Israel does not equate to anti semitism. In fact, a lot of Jewish people are anti Israel.
People and governments are allowed to express misgivings and, especially in the case of Israel, more should be expressed and more sides of the argument should be heard

And not racist at all

It is now

A pig with a flicknife

Nope asshole

Absolutely agreed. Man of Steel was still shit though

It's very Dark Knight Returns

Your grammar and spelling are too good and your brevity too refreshing.

Talking about working' for a livin'. Talking about Snarkin'
Robert Shaw, the Life of O'Neal

And people disapprove if you sniff the seat after they leave

Yes. Seems like you've given this a bit of thought