Hashtag Typist

Missed a perfectly good "my games go up to elven" chance

Bet you feel a right burkha

They aren't at all a muezzin

No fatwah chicks?

So he's a chicken?

That's the trouble with Lego, belligerent and numerous

Actually in Ethiopia they are largely Coptic Christians who celebrate Christmas on Jan 7th. So, no they didn't know it was Christmas.

Reminds me of a school friend (lo these many years ago) who lovingly scrawled Deaf Leopard all over his school bag

The stick up your backside sweetie

There's your clue

The Hostess Fruit Pie Trilogy: Three Flavours Fruit


That makes you a mutant. Mutie scum!

Finish your fishheads, then we'll talk

Damnit now I want to spank Sarah Silverman

The new difference engine can cause difficulties for the uninitiated

I just imagine you, tiny little towheaded rascal. Whole life ahead of you. Equally proud of your offspring and beachball

You had a son when you were a kid?

I always find it a bit pointless criticising Dr Who for scientific implausibility. Once you start down that road you'll never stop.

So post-rapture is just live action Grand Theft Auto?