...wow. And this is why every parent should learn about teens and relationships to figure out when they should be sending their kids to a shrink for months and months of unrequited love...
...wow. And this is why every parent should learn about teens and relationships to figure out when they should be sending their kids to a shrink for months and months of unrequited love...
Brock Huard slowly nods his head.
Sam Bradford just got injured attempting to reply to your post.
Yeah...especially in small towns. I know couples who golf/bowl 4-5 nights a week.
Oh jeez. Right?
Oddly, gendered dynamics and bullshit aside of this whole thing, I actually know one couple that a similar kind of arrangement works. She's like the messiest, laziest one in the relationship and she gladly exchanges sexual favors to GET OUT of doing her share of the cleaning, cooking, errands, etc. I wouldn't call it…
Dios mio!
Yeah...I was one of those louches until my junior year of college. Then I woke up and started doing tons of chores when I got my own place. Having really, really messy roommates really work me up to how valuable and nice organization and cleanliness really are.
Balibar and his hot #racetakes are going to be tough to beat.
On Eric Garner:
Cool. I feel the same way about the whole 12th fan thing in Seattle.
Clam party?
When one of the top judges in all the land (Scalia) routinely uses "constitutionalist" interpretations to justify all of his bat-shit insane conservative ideology in his decisions, yeah.
Because Chip just heard a collective groan over the entire city at once?
I think he gave his kids a couple million each and is donating the rest?
Depends on the ethnic food?
Yeah....I honestly think they'd pull his holiday too. Everyone forgets that his talk of equality and peaceful protest merged into a pretty trenchant critique of racism and violence on non-whites exported abroad. It was about that moment when he started talking about economic inequality and criticizing the military…
Drew's Crew?
I thank my lucky genes that I have wide shoulders and a wide dick.
Yeah...especially if you're still both attracted to each other. It just ends up wasting time when you both could be searching for someone who is a better fit.