
Not just you. I had the same error on PC. I was able to get it to work on my mac though

Or tripped over walkers on Hoth

Sony’s clarified - It’s an expansion:

Seriously. What a creep. 

Or Matthew Wilson

Chip’s Daredevil probably wins my pick for ongoing, and probably best author too.

Not sure if it’s just me or something but none of the tweets seem to match up with the headers?

My high school would only pass once or twice a game. I felt bad for the wide receivers. 

likely well before the Anthem relaunch

A great way to get me not to read your article Is to hide It behind 44 pages of a paged list slider thing. GTFO Great Hill Partners...

Lucky for the US we don’t have state run media.

Fuuuuuuuuck this guy, and the brogrammers who worship him.

Who the fuck listens to a Grocery Store podcast?

The local Comic Con in Kansas City rescheduled from March to August...curious if they’ll have to reschedule again.

Literally just spilled a 3rd of my Agrax Earthshade last night...

If you can’t watch shows right now, I’m not sure when you’ll ever get the time...

Say what you will about the game pre-launch, at least they’ve kept their promises of consistent free updates years after launch.

When you said last week that you had a big announcement I pretty much guessed that this was it, so I’ve already made my piece with it. Looking forward to following you to wherever you go next, and reading your next book!

First thing I thought of was “oh so it’s like a board game”

Things to do: Wake up extra early to get some work in while the wife watches your one-year-old who has to be home from daycare, then switch off with her around noon while you both work a couple extra hours after he goes to bed.