
You’re very much not wrong.

Yeah first game was a masterpiece. But making a sequel feels like Microsoft just wanting to milk a critically-acclaimed cash-cow even If It doesn’t make sense...

Squirrel Girl has consistently been my favorite comic out there. It’s just perfect, and I’m sad to see it end.

beat a giant, soulless robot

Goodbye everyone. It’s been a hell of a ride. Never made it out of the greys but that’s ok.

Yeah I wonder If the delay was more to get out of Cyberpunk’s way

Sometimes if you freeze the frame at the right moment you can see. They’ve been pretty sparse. 

I agree. Her signature tasted like soap and let’s be real, the spooky theme was cute for a few weeks but didn’t really work this week. 

Someone tell Burke to enable nicer permalinks on that WP site. What’s this “?p=840" nonsense? 

Glad to be the first of what I hope are many stars...

I actually prefer the super-cheap, fast-food pickles to the fancy “almost tastes like cucumber” pickles. One of my weird guilty pleasures I guess. 

Holy crap - I lived about 5 minutes away from that Gamestop for a good 4 years after College. So weird seeing a street view of it on Kotaku haha. I ate at that chipotle more times than I can count. 

I think at this point Aaron’s run on Thor has to be up there with the all-time runs on any character. Sad to see it end but excited for whatever he has next. 

The Ghirardelli mix I keep for myself.

At least he didn’t make fun of our BBQ this time. 

As someone who moved to KC right after their World Series run, I can attest to the fact that the city supports the baseball team incredibly well when there is a good product. A decent team would do much better financially than the crap that Glass rolled out every year for the past two decades.

You have clearly never witnessed the capitalist orgy that is Black Friday at Wal-Mart. Customers going batshit insane over perceived deals knows no economic philosophy.  

You have clearly never witnessed the capitalist orgy that is Black Friday at Wal-Mart. 

Shiner’s Ruby Redbird is still my favorite “fruity” “shandy-adjacent” beer.