Maybe I’m a huuuuuge nerd but it bothers me that people still (8 seasons!) confuse the wights (Zombies) with the White Walkers (the blue dudes).
Maybe I’m a huuuuuge nerd but it bothers me that people still (8 seasons!) confuse the wights (Zombies) with the White Walkers (the blue dudes).
a heroic Loki saving the world more or less via Ponzi schemes with seriously bad dudes
Yeah I’d probably swap 1 and 2 if we are quibbling, but definitely solid.
Theon Greyjoy kicks his uncle’s ass, regaining the respect of his men;
Basically just get the writers for The Good Place to come up with the forking names.
More likely they’ll just say “Oh I guess people don’t want a live service game, and we don’t want to make a non-live service game, so I guess this game is cancelled” :(
This brings back memories of old Mavis Beacon games.
I loved her character and thought she was kinda the emotional heart of the film. making it possible to launch a mission at any time while walking around the Fort Tarsis hub.
Re: the editor’s pick. I get that you’re probably sponsored/paid by Traeger, but that’s a pretty bad choice.
Re: the editor’s pick. I get that you’re probably sponsored/paid by Traeger, but that’s a pretty bad choice.
The arrest took place at the One Loudoun bar-and-restaurant district, which to my understanding is a depressing exurban simulacrum of an urban center, or a slightly less exotic, less drunken Epcot.
the only difference now is that hand now says bbq grill finger.
How does it work? I can’t seem to figure that out.
+10,000 internet points for the Avatar reference.
Jeremy Bearimy baby, Jeremy Bearimy.
5 Guys actually originated just outside DC in the Northern VA Suburbs.
I mean, these are all good, but that IS Kassandra, right? I mean, fantastic.
About a third of the way through Spider-Man I discovered the option to skip those puzzles (and QT events!) and I feel like the game was better for it haha.
Yeah they’re definitely mediocre fries. Was not impressed when I tried them.
Can’t wait. I know DA:I had it’s problems, but something about it just clicked with me. I’ve played it all the way through 4 times. Loved the characters and relationships so much.