No. All these things make me ok with dying. Shove your ads.
No. All these things make me ok with dying. Shove your ads.
“There is only one good, knowledge. And one evil, ignorance.” - Socrates
Here’s a man who doesn’t believe in science and yet will almost certainly win a Darwin Award.
It says so much
Yeah this happened in WWI. There were so many bullets flying in opposite directions from trench to trench... more than in any other war before or since... that statistically there were two bullets who hit each other in just the right way so as to combine into one object. And then someone had to discover it on the…
The biggest hurdle that fiction like this has to get over is to make us believe what we’re watching isn’t inconsequential fake sh*t. Thanks for the warning that this show fails miserably.
I know you can’t advocate for it on your website, but I have been watching the entire Seinfeld series on torrented files for about 8 years.
In fact, I contribute exactly 0 dollars to television ratings or advertising. I never pay for any subscriptions. And I suggest everyone who isn’t a complete moron does the same.
The things that can change, have changed (hair style, color, skin color, face paint.) But everyone has a unique abdominal muscle pattern that doesn’t change. If you just focus on the body SHAPE you can see it’s definitely the same dude.
These columns always reinforce my deep-down belief that sex and relationships are not worth the trouble. Be free, enjoy your hobbies, fuck who you want, when you want. Then die. It’s very simple to find happiness, you just gotta not put it all on ONE OTHER HUMAN BEING (LIKE HOW UNREALISTIC IS THAT??????)
1. I don’t ever want to see the r-word used, I don’t care who you are. You immediately undermine your comment. You MIGHT be autistic, I have no evidence for that, other than your mealy mouthed say-so. But you’re for DAMN SURE a terrible person, and no amount of mental deficit accounts for that.
2. How dare you speak to…
It’s true, actually. Human life has never been easier.
She sung a traditional Irish song just a couple years ago for a Conor McGregor walk-out
Than men? No surprise there...
They don’t even look fit.
She wouldn’t. It’s a video transcript.
No, things WERE better back then. 9/11 sucked the wind out of the world.
They expect that the word “unobtainable” is over the heads of most Americans, so it follows that “unobtainium” was considered a clever choice by the writers.
The only time it was WORTH watching was in the cinema with 3d glasses when it was a cultural phenomenon. As soon as you bring it home and try to watch it like a normal movie, it loses just about everything. It just doesn’t stand up as a movie-movie that people love to put on and enjoy.
This is how I also consume GoT. I could not imagine watching - I couldn’t respect myself - but I hate-read the recaps.
Because GoT is terrible and in just a few years people will cringe that they even watched it. Seriously, one day you’ll turn around and realise it is campy, pulpy, poorly-acted garbage about nothing. Just a lot of fluff in between brutality and suffering. Your children will judge you, I promise.
Stilted line-reading is…