
Once the democratic party realizes what really drives Trump voters to the polls then maybe, just maybe they’ll have a chance to win. If you really think everything is rooted in racism and you continue to call all Trump supporters racist, nothing is ever going to change.  Racism exists, I am not denying that.  But,

Kyle Rittenhouse approached officers with his hands up.  George Floyd resisted arrest repeatedly.  I don’t support how the officer apprehended him and I do think this case was tragic.  But again, if George Floyd actually complied, he may be alive today.

Justice will be served with that whack job.  In no way does my post defend him.  COMPLY is the word that needs preached.  He complied when he was apprehended, and look, he’s alive.

How is someone supposed to go live a healthy, happy life free of violence when the militarized police force brings the violence to their doorstep?

Step 1: Don’t do things that might garner police attention. For example, trespassing, theft, abuse, sex crimes etc.

Every single instance in the recent future these situations start out with police acting professional. The common theme is non compliance resulting in unnecessary shootings.  So, if we teach our youth to comply, while at the same time work on police reform, progress can be made.

The message that needs to be preached is COMPLY!!!!!!!! Comply first, fight injustice later! It’s really that simple.  Comply and reduce the risk of being shot by 100%.  Sue/protest after you have been treated unfairly.  Also, don’t burn down your town or city and you won’t have an armed militia to deal with. 

Maybe if protests were actually peaceful instead of burning everything down, people wouldn’t feel the need to form militias to defend their town and property. Maybe if those dealing with police regardless of how unfair the treatment is/was, would simply just comply with the orders given, a lot less people would be

this is soooo tiring... I cannot stand the “the only reason Herschel supports Trump is b/c of mental illness or brain injury” crowd.  What about Tim Scott, GreatScott? Ben Carson?  Black people are allowed to think independently and there’s nothing wrong with not supporting every aspect of the far left agenda...

No way this man should have been shot.  However, all he had to do was comply and this horrific event would have never happened. 

really bad, uninspiring candidates, Gene...

Should’ve been Stacey Abrams. Kamala is a terrible choice with regards to her history as a prosecutor, DA and AG. She descends from Jamaican slave owners and quite literally used slave labor by extending prison sentences for cheap state labor. She has a history of flip flopping on many issues and just “saying the

and if you really dig into it, you’ll find that Kamala is a descendant of Hamilton Brown, an owner of more than 100 slaves...

except that her ancestry is actually tied to the slave owning side...

If you look into it, you will find that she is a descendant of Hamilton Brown, who actually OWNED more than 100 slaves.  

Governors who allowed COVID positive patients to return to their nursing homes are responsible for the majority of deaths, not the president. Also, who actually believes the death total is a true representation of real COVID deaths? People die everyday for various reasons, and we know hospitals have used COVID as a

Yes, please continue.