That definitely also happens to Kat Dennings in Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist, which is a criminally underrated movie.
That definitely also happens to Kat Dennings in Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist, which is a criminally underrated movie.
I agree about CJ, she has the patience of a goddamn Saint esp after last nights episode with Jenna’s gun rant!?Hello know your audience, CJ lost both her parents to dv gun violence ugh.
Parenthood is in my top 5 of all time which says a lot because tv is my greatest hobby and I watch everything.
I also only watched initially for Mae (Parenthood was my ugly cry go to jammm) but was pleasantly surprised, esp since I find Bella Thorne kinda grating. Although she did do a glorious recent Lifetime movie about WASPY teens becoming heroin addicts that was absolutely bonkers, as Lifetkme is always good for. And I am…
Um do not call The Duff a stupid movie, in terms of mindless teen comedies it was a damn treasure and I actually kinda loved it lol
Badly fitting bras has been in the pop culture lexicon for a few years now. I think Hollywood just gets lazy and does the same joke repeatedly. Kristin has been in several “girl comedies” recently, so has to repeat the same lazy “women jokes.” Heaven forbid they actually hire talented women screen writers.
I don’t follow Fashion Icons(TM) so I thought that was Myrtle from Coven until I read the headline.
I’m two months behind on Fifth Harmony’s “Work From Home,” off their forthcoming album 7/27, but better late than…
Considering that when Tyson had a stage show he publicly ripped the woman whom he was convicted of raping, let’s not give him any more public forums.
I like pissy Kelly. Let her blow off some steam. Strahan will be gone soon anyways.
Nothing says America like our most traditional and popular sport, polo.
What even is that horrid short length?! These are athletes. Give me thigh or give me death!
Great article at Daily Beast about how all this cheating/divorce stuff is made up. Bey is using this bogus story because EVERYBODY loves a celebrity cheating scandal, and double points for making it about yourself and making an hour long film about it, and getting HBO to do your bidding.
Sex With Me on the Deluxe Edition is the correct answer
Cholula? How bougey.
It smells like the Chocolate bar palettes, so I think it smells good :). For me the color selection is not an issue. I have Naked Basics 1 and Meet Matte Nude, to pull in if I need them.
I wore it from the first time yesterday. So far I really like it. The only shade I’m personally a little iffy on is Extra Creamy, mainly because it is a little light for me to easily use on my browbone. If you prefer a darker or cooler crease or outer v shade, then you need to pull in a different palette or single…