
+10000000000 for Ginger Beer. Bitches don't recognize the deliciousness.

"I was, in fact, an African American Studies major in college...."

And like others that have appropriated another race/culture for monetary gain, instead of addressing the issue - which is that she is APPROPRIATING black race and culture for money, her response speaks to whether or not she APPRECIATES it. No one said she doesn't have 'knowledge' about it or wasn't 'influenced' by it.

It's like, you can't even make this stuff up. She just can't help showing off how stupid she is. Like, I really do not like calling people stupid, but this lady is an a full on idiot.

I was skimming on my first pass through and didn't even read that line.

i finally understood how it is - it is not that she lacks understanding, she lacks empathy .

Of all things to show she is out of touch with the movement she's latched on to, calling this week a "slow news week" was just the icing on the cake.

its the most magical time of year and be it a slow news week...

I'm starting to wonder if she has brain damage.

She is like the musical version of genital herpes. Painful and — apparently — impossible to get rid of.

That person who dedicated their life to learning about whatever historic and cultural archives obtains a valid perspective if and only if they recognize that they are not above their own personal biases and they acknowledge that there is nuance they just don't have access to. And, sometimes, there are going to be

As someone who is not a rich white male, I often find myself surrounded by the uneducated and reactionary indignation of those that believe their opinion or perspective to be more valid than others, simply because of their genetic material.

Yep, those tweets are pretty damning.

That African American studies thing reminds me of Bamboozled, tbh.

"(Sidebar: Iggy is living proof that being in an interracial relationship or having mixed children or majoring in African-American studies does not vaccinate you against ignorance.)"

It's not always about you.

She wondered why my grandmother, an illiterate Black mother of nine living in the Jim Crow South, struggled to find a steady job. Maybe, she wrote in her loopy scrawl, my grandmother wasn't searching hard enough.

Not talk about it. You can just do the right thing without telling everyone. That's not only for issues of racism, it's also just a general rule. You shouldn't need positive reinforcement for being a decent person. Just be one.