When Rolling Stone issued its retraction, my greatest fear was that we would once again have a curtain of silence,…
When Rolling Stone issued its retraction, my greatest fear was that we would once again have a curtain of silence,…
And my parents didn't move to the US to try to improve their economic situation. Not all immigrants move for that reason. My family has split our lives between continents for a while for business reasons. I grew up both here and in the home country
Really guy? I don't give a shit where you come from. I don't care if I hurt your feelings.
The straw man here, is pretending that global treatment affects the day to day lives of people living here.
"Yeah like whatever" "everyone suffers" is your dismissive response when YOU, Mr law school flunky, who probably slept his way into his T 14, was defeated in a debate by someone whose academic background, isn't in history/ law AND from a racial group, (Black) supposedly inferior to yours, because we "can't get past…
Slavery continues to impact black Americans. This country became wealthy because of slavery and when slavery ended, black Americans were not given any of the wealth their labor had created. Most of us inherit our social and economic standing. My great grandmother's mother was a child when slavery ended. I know her…
That poster never said any of the things you are suggesting that they said. Learn to read.
There should be a study done about skin color's effect on hiring in corporate environments, controlling for region of country/ world. In the Gulf South for instance, if you go in any large office building, where everyone there has a degree, nearly every time, it's an all-white environment, with a few light skinned…
This is covered quite beautifully in the documentary "Dark Girls": http://officialdarkgirlsmovie.com/about/
I take it that you've never dined as a black person in a restaurant, then?
Somebody missed the point...
But these are the most egregious examples. Every day there's little bits of this same system exposed. Black people getting longer sentences than whites for the same crime and with the same criminal background (or no backgrouns). Higher arrest rates for blacks even though the same number of whites engaged in the…
Of all of the really stupid comments in the grays that I read because I hate myself, I want to single this one out because I think it's truly a monumental achievement in tone-deafness to imagine that young black men are being more detrimentally affected by sympathetic Deadspin articles than by being MURDERED.
Albert, I am a long-time student of American History. Like, it is something that just came out of me when I was born. Didn't make me popular or very many friends. I loved reading more than people, perspective more than... whatever was going on around me.
Boycotts were a very powerful tool in the 1960s. Since society seem to be going backwards, boycotts would be the perfect choice for serious impact.
uh greed.
Yep- and let me tell you, it banged me up a lot worse than the razor burn on Darren Wilson's face.