
We are better off than a lot of people in a lot of countries. I don’t want to get all Lee Greenwood on y’all, but the fact someone can type “garbage country” on an unrestricted internet which people can read on free WiFi in a public library kinda disproves the point.

“Woo woo, America! You are still a garbage country but we appreciate you allowing us do some of the things we want to do.”

Same exact carriage, you think?

That’s just for show and the occasion she has a Maclaren for George and a Silver cross wayfarer for Charlotte. I’m also British and have a bugaboo no old timey pram here!

I’m pretty sure Sherri Shepherd is just an awful human being.

I’m going to guess that Sheen is anti-vaccine just because Richards is pro-vaccine, and he’s that much of an asshole to play with his kids’ health just to get back at her.

Also this set picture is pretty definitive proof:

“Do you want to go back to my hotel and hang out for a bit?”

I can’t wait for the Bachelorette where the woman just plows through all the guys in like one night. My kind of lady.

Youngsters these days ...

They’re not Bennifer. They’re Bennifer 2. DON’T DISRESPECT THE JLO.

The gif that keeps on...giffing?

At least it wasn’t

Oh Blanche.

And that house is real estate porn.