
I am so sick of these people. I hope she gets to sue them for slander or anything else possible.

I think the Courtney killed Kurt slander is one of the grossest most misogynistic things I can think of. I hope Courtney sues the fuck out of them. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to lose your beloved husband to such a tragic death and then have thousands of people running around CLAIMING YOU STRAIT UP

Reports out of Alouettes training camp say that Michael Sam was having a hard time adjusting to his role in the 12-man CFL defensive scheme, where teams generally employ a fifth defensive back.

This episode of Law and Order: SVU just keeps getting better! It started out being about college rape epidemics and it will meander over to cyber crimes, and before you know it the conclusion will be about smuggling gibbons in basketballs.

What makes a person believe they can sell the sun? And 600 orders?! Who the fuck thinks they can buy the sun? I’m so confused.

poor Jessica Lowndes. always with the fake pregnant belly.

That told me everything I needed to know. This is a manuscript of interest to critics, not publishable to the public.

No shit. If this is a recent pic, she's freaking 89. Those teeth are over 80 years old. And they are still in her mouth. Bravo, teeth!

well that was a jerk thing to say

There are a lot of things about your comments that bother me. Most of all is that you seem to feel entitled to hear details of someone's sexual assaults. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Wait, are you kidding? She was kidnapped by a crazy old guy. She had no idea how far she could go if she ran for it, and if she would survive that. Life isn’t an action movie. There’s a lot more to escaping abduction and false imprisonment than feasible physical logistics, and the possibility of failing and getting

Recommended just for Paul Newman.


It is really insensitive and rude to be making this kind of joke in the article about woman who gone through hell, kidnapped, prisoned and then molested for almost a year. And please can we have one just one article about horrible tragedies, raping and killing happening to women without rude sarcastic jokes and gifs

I’m much more of a “Blue” fan, but yes to all of this.

On a completely selfish note, I’m not ready to lose Joni.

I’m so upset that this amazing show is over forever.

First she only pushes him off, and then it’s exactly one whack per approach, increasing in whack-force as he becomes more threatening.