"perhaps it’s time for another shakeup"
"perhaps it’s time for another shakeup"
So, because one movie he made wasn't overly sentimental means that none of his movies are? That doesn't make any sense.
People hate Lucas because he treats films as a business and not an artform, plus he's a big fat liar and a hypocrite. That whole 'Red Tails' crap he was spinning was pure BS to try and get blacks to go see his movie out of guilt.
The 'Transformers' franchise, 'War of the Worlds', 'A.I.', the Jurassic Park sequels, 'Hook', the 'Men In Black' sequels, 'Eagle Eye', and a worst of all 'Kingdom of the Crystal Skull'.
I watched a Bill Hicks show and there were several jokes that Dennis Leary used in his 'No Cure For Cancer' show. He's a thief, pure and simple.
No, there are very specific jokes that were stolen.
One of my friends dropped it a few months ago, which was funny because I was going through my big ass collection of cassettes just a few weeks before that and had listened to all my Sandler tapes.
No, we don't. We just think we're better than the spoiled, self-entitled, illiterate Millennials that think they're the Center of the Universe despite the fact that they can't even spell the word 'you' correctly and commit suicide when their daddy buys them a Mazda instead of a BMW.
I think Franco is just trying to be funny by pretending to be an epic douchebag.
I grew up on the Roger Moore ones, so I loved them the most until I did a marathon of Bond movies before 'Goldeneye' came out and realized how shitty they were. After 'Austin Powers' came out, I couldn't even watch 'Thunderball' without laughing. They're all pretty silly, really.
Before they destroyed the Star Wars prequels, Red Letter Media did Plinkett reviews of all of the Next Generation movies and tore them a new one.
I love how the teenagers were all 25 year old models. I didn't make it past ten minutes of that shit.
With the Dreeeeeaaamm Warrrriiiiooorrrrssss!
Don't wanna dream no more!
It's hard to fall when you're already in the basement.
" “It is extremely distasteful and this is the same rhetoric used in Nazi Germany against Jewish people,”"
You mean the one with the kid trying to escape from his bag despite the fact that his head was in the basement?
I agree with you. I'm not a big fan of these new movies pretending to be old movies. They're just rehashes and copy cats that don't really add anything new.
A lot of people thought that 'Silent Hill' was fairly decent and it's almost unanimously named the best video game movie. I don't think you need to feel guilty about it.
"Let the Right One In"/"Let Me In" were good. I agree about "Trick 'R' Treat". I can't think of any other good ones this millennium. I didn't care for any of the others you mentioned. "Slither" was just a "Night of the Creeps" rip-off, the "Dawn of the Dead" remake was OK, but it was just a copy of the original…
I don't think it's generational. I'm pretty old and I never cared much for either "Creepshow" movie. "Trick r' Treat" is quite enjoyable, though.