Harry Palm

That thing was awesome. I wonder if they still make those.

I only watched the first episode and that's probably all I'll ever watch, but I agree with that. I thought she did a very good job of playing a character that was snotty and mean because she was wounded. The guy was just a whiny douche, though and the other characters were just dull sitcom staples. As interesting

I had the Black Hole pop-up book when I was a kid and I really wanted to see the movie. I didn't get to see it for many years. Man, what a disappointment. The only thing I really remember about it was Anthony Perkins getting propellered and just the general shittieness of the whole thing. The pop-up book was

I think it's pretty easy for people to read too much into things. Just look at forums about 'True Detective' and see the hundreds of insane theories people came up with when there was literally nothing going on in that show except two guys looking for a killer. In the case of 'Wilfred', they wanted to get the old

Ah, I think I get you. I think.

You're reading too much into it. It was scheduling conflicts and nothing more.

Jenna was there and saw Wilfred get hit by the car, so I think it's safe to say that Wilfred the dog really did lose a leg.

The early seasons were. It's kind of gone off the rails a bit in the last two. The original Australian version garners very mixed receptions. Some, like myself, really liked it but others absolutely hate it.


Batman is supposed to be stiff and bland. His voice was fucking ridiculous, though. I do agree with you, there.

People always forget that 'Blade' came before 'X-Men'. I guess because the sequels were so shitty.

I haven't seen 'Batman Returns' since it came out. I remember it being pretty shitty and not liking it. All I can really remember about it are the penguins with missiles on them or some shit. I may rewatch this soon just to see if it's really that bad. I rewatched the first one several years ago and it did not

My go-to memory is Meg Tilly doing splits.

My parents were Boomers. That generation deserves all the crap that it gets.

I hate movies were people break out into a dance. I've never in my entire life seen that happen and yet it happens in movies all the time.


That's because Tarantino is ripping off much better films.

Yeah, we suck. There was an article on this site not that long ago calling Rammstein 'one-hit wonders', also.

I'm still miffed that I was promised that the adventures of Buckaroo Banzai would continue when I was a kid and they never did.

Well, first off, it's hard to make a sequel when Kong dies in the fucking end (see 'King Kong Lives' to see what happens when stupid jerk offs try). There's also the problem that Peter Jackson's 'King Kong' was fucking awful from top to bottom. It was three hours long. The acting was bad (except Naomi Watts). The