Harry Palm

The episode in Season 9 when they revealed that Principal Skinner wasn't really Principal Skinner was the one were the show died.  That's the moment the show turned to crap and was never the same.  

Danny McBride is number 2 on my list of "How the hell did this guy get famous?!" list right after Will Ferrell.  Neither one of the can act and neither one of them are particularly funny.  There are some Will Ferrell movies I like, but I don't like them for Will Ferrell.  As far as 'Eastbound and Down' goes, I

" After four years that have shown Danny McBride growing increasingly reluctant to play anything else, "

The only movie of his that I saw was 'Leaves of Grass' which was awful.

I hate Selena Gomez for having carnal relations with him.

Yes, people still care about 'Community'.  I can't even begin to fathom why, but some people still do.

I agree.  I haven't rewatched Season 4 yet and I've heard it's much better when you do, so maybe I'll like it better when I get around to it, but I was pretty down on it while it was airing and I thought the show was done.  I liked Season 5 a lot better, though it still wasn't as good as 2 and 3, I thought it got back

I don't know.  I think what makes Donna good is that she isn't overused.  She steps in, says something funny and then steps back.  I think a character like hers could become grating if shown too much.  She's been at a perfect level the entire run of the show, like Jerry was.  Andy got too much time in Season 4 and a

I thought Season 5 was better than 4, but still not as good as 2 and 3.  It was good, but not great.  The premier tonight wasn't great, either, but I laughed more than once.  I was hoping that Season 5 would be the last and was disappointed when it wasn't and the premier wasn't good enough to convince me I was wrong,

My parents were both hoarders.  They weren't nearly as bad as the people on the show, but there's still piles of shit all over my dad's house like stacks of national geographic and a billion books my mom had and tubs full of useless shit.  My mom had so much crap that she had to put a bunch of it in a storage place. 

My mom WAS a hoarder. 

""three brilliant but socially challenged girls" who know everything except how to talk to boys. "

'Dogma' is Dog Shit.  'Chasing Amy' is alright, though.

Who said they were the first?  Black Sabbath is usually regarded as being the first metal band.  Some may call Metallica the first thrash band, but that's highly debatable.

I don't believe David S. Goyer is a good writer and I don't believe I'll ever watch a movie written by him again.

I always wondered why no one made a TV show set in a hospital before.

Today's music does enough to trash itself.  It's shit.  Repetitive and unoriginal.  Hell, hip hop is nothing more than taking other people's music and adding different lyrics to it because most of the people in the music industry these days lack the talent to write their own music or even play instruments.  Can you

How many Stephen King books can we list that don't haven an alcoholic in them?

NBC still uses the 8:30 Thursday slot as a garbage dump.  I used to watch 'Community', change the channel and then change back for 'The Office' and 'Parks and Recreation' because whatever crap show they put in the 8:30 slot would be too awful to watch.  They went through a ton of them, too.