
Yeah if I find a game fun to play I will definitely play it over and over again regardless if I know the story forwards and backwards depending on the game. I will even do that with rpgs that take 40-50 hours to complete. Being fun to play is the reason I replay Skies of Arcadia every year,.

I like Triss too, but that outfit is horribly tacky.


Twitch chat is literally the reason why everyone uses Twitch though, so suck it. 4Head

Well, for me this game was way past Strike Three a long time ago. I don’t know how many chances you suckers want to keep giving it.

Your gif game is strong Plunkett.

Meh, I was kinda hoping being able to use the best armor trough the whole game and just enjoy the journey.

I’m one of those that would like match making or something for Raid! I don’t have many Destiny friends and it make me feel like I have a fighting chance to actually complete major events in the game.

Destiny, a yearlong beta for a video game that will be released this September

Finally, Touch screen.

Jesus Christ....the fucking entitlement is giving me a migraine.

They said there’s nothing more planned at the moment. That’s a whole lot different than “you’re not getting anything else, ever”. Perhaps after they’re done with the additional 30+ hours of dlc that compromises the expansion content, they’ll think about

When I see people calling CDP out on promising mod tools I think “yeah thats fair they promised skyrim and gave us GTA”. But really? “I’ll never buy a game from u guys again” ARE YOU REALLY THAT DAFT. The fact that they made a fantastic game wasnt enough? Because the game isnt like eating ambrosia from the hands of

That pic of Geralt click baited me so hard.


That’s a different story: “Are the 71 percent of teenage boys who play online and use voice chat ruining online games for everyone, not merely for the 72 percent of teenage girls who play online and don’t use voice chat?” :)

Capcom, Konami, and Ubisoft were also 3 of the top (respected) 3rd party developers in 2005. Absolute shame what they’ve become.

Hell, even the manga is a mess. It has no pacing what so ever. From one chapter to another you are on a full action battle to a whole volume of story talking and explaining of stuff you dont even need to know.

RIP headphone users

Only a matter of time before some 4chan board decides to mass-suicide one weekend and ruin everyone’s fun.