There’s not enough nope in this world.
There’s not enough nope in this world.
I’m still not 100% on board with this new timeline business, with the original story, they could screw it up by missing or misinterpreting the story beats, with this story changes, they found new ways to screw it up. After all the great remakes that came out recently, this story change now feels more like a copout out…
Please, let’s pour one for social media, a failed experiment that has made the offline world a worse place to live.
I bet the person at Nintendo in charge of that department doesn’t speak English and there’s no one to explain him what the woke agenda is.
Nintendo is like that uncle of your girlfriend who needs your help to set up his new laptop and explain him how “the cyber” works.
It should have been the “stream button”, maybe Twitch and Kick can make a deal with Sony, besides, who under 40 still uses Facebook?
You mean X. Twitter was worth $44B, X is worth less than half as that.
All these companies that spend hundreds of millions for “growth” are expecting to make that money back tenfold after the bait-and-switch.
Guys, in case you don’t remember, Max Payne happens inside a pulpy, comic book universe, almost borrowed from the 1990s classic Sin City (I believe Sin City was still publishing new chapters at the time the first game was released)
The AI Mario is right out of a nightmare.
I am getting convinced that in his new amateur Fox News anchor gig, Rupert Murdoch is being played by Vladimir Putin.
The saddest -and funniest, at the same time- part is all the people who turned their amateurish art into NFTs had to pay real money for the process. That money got somewhere, I just don’t know where.
There a hint of homo-eroticism I detected between Sepiroth and Cloud in the remake, and Rebirth is doubling down on that from what I’ve seen so far.
The idea would be: Fix Resident Evil 5, completely undo and change Resident Evil 6.
After playing Separate Ways a bit, you’re nailed it detecting the “bored office worker”. Wesker is basically an asshole boss, and you can see (in the game) she’s phoning it in for the paycheck and wants to be professional, but Wesker is definitively getting in her nerves. Her delivery is she talks through her teeth…
What about that social network that was purchased last year, and his owner started vandalizing it as soon as the deal closed.
I think the direction has to do more than the actress. Even in the script, you can tell the intention was to keep her more “mysterious”, and hold her poker-facey attitude until the DLC.
This means this DLC will be completely different than the original Separate Ways. This drastic departure from the original could be testing grounds for future plans for RE5 and RE6 remakes. I think many fans agree that RE5 and RE6 will have to be tweaked, and in the case of 6, practically everything in it should…
This is why the PS3 was the last console I bought (lack of backwards compatibility on the PS4 made it easier for me to exit the Sony ecosystem). I could play Modern Warfare 2 on the PS3 without a monthly tax, and that was one of the reasons I chose the PS3 over the Xbox.
The irony of their communication coming out on X (formerly Twitter), a social medium that went from a digital town square to a digital bathroom stall in a matter of months.