
I have no problem with a person who supported Donald Trump in any way to have his/her reputation soiled for the rest of his/her life. This went were beyond your “political views”, and the normalization of Donald Trump, as if he is simply just another politician with some political views, is something that never made

Let me stop you there, because this joke that the two mainstream American political parties are similar, with just a difference of opinion, doesn’t hold water.

When Microsoft acquired Bungie, which started as a Macintosh game developer, Bungie released the first Halo on the Mac because it was already in development (reminds me of the nights playing Halo LAN parties in the library which was full of translucent iMacs) , after that, Apple has never seen a Bungie game.

Then, don’t name it Breath of the Wild 2: Ganondorf is Link’s Father.

Because people are lazy, and if I spend millions of dollars to say on TV the other candidate hates puppies and apple pie, the other candidate is screwed if he doesn’t have the money to respond.

Republicans are trying to solve that problem of “people going to the polls”, in case you didn’t notice.

To be fair, the Left tolerated a lot of your bullshit and bullying. It’s almost therapeutic watching you (and this FNAF guy) play the victim now.

Amazon bought Twitch, the same way they bought Audible, MGM, Whole Foods, Zappos, IMDb, Comixology, and I am still wondering why antitrust laws aren’t kicking in.

That sounds like the Facebook of ten years ago. I knew something about Facebook was wrong when I scrolled my timeline and all I saw was posts by the same three people, and lots of posts by groups and news sites.

Facebook has reduced itself to the place where Karens, racist uncles, cops and White American Jesus Christians gather to whine about their white victimhood and share their conspiracy theories. If any streamer wants to be associated with that brand, yes, please leave Twitch.

I say to those people, the time when they were gray areas between the two parties ended about 20 years ago. Your political party isn’t a sports team.

As American say, money talks, the rest is just air.

Liberals: Your political affiliation obliges you to tolerate people invested in rolling back decades of civil rights advances, which entire generations fought for, and many died for. Some are still dying for it.

If that “charity money” aligns with his politics I have little doubts they go to some crazy Christian groups invested in rolling back civil and voting rights.

There are other articles on this site, but you decided to come here to express your white victimhood.

It doesn’t apply in this case, the man is a one-trick pony.

The politicians who benefit from truckloads of money coming to them, installed judges that allow infinite corporate money to flood their campaigns.

Trump managed to do more damage in four years than Bush in twice the time. Not only he left office in a similar financial crisis, but with a death toll that surpasses any war death toll on the American side. He also left a resurgence of white supremacy, corrupted every independent government agency, almost started a

Well happens that some of us would not like to have our disposable income end up in the hands of people or organizations that are invested in making our lives worse. Let the free market speak, indeed.

Sorry, but you think, the Christian Right, a quasi-terrorist organization that worships Donald Trump stands for anything that isn’t white supremacy, and all those things you mentioned, but only for white people? Do you think low taxes justify eroding democracy, eroding civil rights and rampant inequality?