All that talent spent on something they can’t profit from.
All that talent spent on something they can’t profit from.
It’s up to you, gamers, not to make this practice profitable. Do not buy.
At this point, Ash must be in his 30s, but some gene disorder may make him look like a kid.
You mean like Demontower, the game inside the game in Night in the Woods.
It’s wrong to call it a prototype. It’s the original version, which came out on the PICO-8.
Looks better than the CGI, and the CGI was good. I can’t stop looking at that plastic-y looking hair.
So the distraction from the gun problem worked. Good job, Republicans.
Oh please, let’s not turn this into another: THeY’re iNFriNGinG oN mY FrReEDum Of spEeCH CUz tHeY doN’T lEt Me bE aN asSHoLE In thEIR pLatFuRm. #antifa
I don’t like Epic’s tactics and I’ll never purchase anything at the Epic store, but if someone wants to sell their product there, it’s their business. I think the trolls described in the article have too much time in their hands, since Trump has been recently like a broken record, and people stopped paying attention…
The HUD-less part of the video, for some reason, looked very Battlefield-ish. I like it.
This is a good way to find who not to do business with.
A military who is also in far better shape than the lard asses playing weekend warriors. They are useless anyway, Russia installed a vichy government in the US without having to fire a single shot.
I can’t download Fox News from Steam. Is it an Epic Store exclusive? Can I run it with an NVidia GTX 1050?
The streamer who was chatting with her looks equally fake, was probably using the same filter.
If only I could time travel and post in those 2015 forums the casino was going to finally open in Summer 2019.
I haven’t played GTA Online in about a year, and it’s kind of nostalgic to watch the trolling is still going strong.
A chunky VHS camcorder.
A missed opportunity to have a brick cell phone in this series. Probably for WhatsApp or Skype. Twitter could have been a two-way radio (Two-way radios were the chatrooms before the Internet).
That’s not the problem, the problem is they are Americans who lean Democrat.
The whole process was designed to stop potential Democrat voters from voting.