
PC Master Race, you didn’t miss much.

If you can’t relate to the problems of others, don’t assume I’m going to care about your business.

You’re still playing with random people using other means, so what’s the difference? I really don’t care that you like the current system, but it’s a bit egotistical that you have yours so screw everyone else.

Random matchmaking in the Division has proven that if you don’t have the right gear, they will kick you out of the group in a mili-second. At least Massive had the decency of letting people find out for themselves.

Bungie should let people decide what’s a bad idea.

I don’t bother to play the game because I know I won’t go through that hurdle, nor I have the desire to do so. I’ll have to do with watching the game on Twitch.

The box should come with a warning.

They keep tweaking this game, but they really have to rethink some stuff from scratch. The incursions are a joke, the boss fights are uninteresting, needs an actual PVP competitive mode, etc.

Hey guys, remember that word “choice”? Destiny doesn’t let you choose if you want to use matchmaking, or if you want to slug it out to outside sites, or if you’re a Kotaku blogger with other people playing the game whenever you’re into. Just putting this as a reminder why a couple of million people dropped this game.

I’m about to hit the 60-hour mark on No Man’s Sky, and I still don’t know why, or how.

It seems like Xenu ordered him to do so.

The most forgotten part is a single player expansion, like GTA4's Gay Tony.

Nah. I’ll play Overwatch. They have matchmaking.

It has been long established that the Sonic Twitter account simply doesn’t give a fuck.

Wrong answer, Kojima. The right answer is a psychological horror game with hills, and silence.

Minecraft has been the #1 paid app in the App Store for almost two years, justifying all the money Microsoft spent on it. There's money to be made on mobile games, but only a few will be successful.

Consoles died for a few years in the 80s, until the NES, so there's a precedent.

Destiny is not a reason to neither envy nor own a console.

Plus PC games are generally cheaper, plus you don’t have to pay $50 a year to play with other people online. Consoles are killing the Golden Goose with both the online paywall and a PC-like release schedule.

This is going to be the console generation when people are going to say “Fuck it, I’m getting a gaming PC”