That seems a bit braindead. Two weeks into the launch and new content was still being released.
That seems a bit braindead. Two weeks into the launch and new content was still being released.
Destiny ban on matchmaking for most of the game is a non-starter for me, and a lot of people. We need a game that takes the good parts of Destiny and none of its bullshit.
The sad thing, is, for a game that emulates Destiny with its ridiculous difficulty to land decent loot, the incursions are unimaginative rounds of enemy waves in a stage. Their strike missions feel more like something that could challenge a raid in Destiny.
Snorlax doing exactly what it was meant to do. Sleep and block paths.
Matchmaking is still banned in most of the game. Moving on...
“We haven’t received any Cease and Desist notes by Nintendo lawyers, but some thugs with lead pipes have been staring at us from dark allies, making very clear what Nintendo’s wishes are.”
I’m reading Future Kotaku’s article on Nintendo taking down this game, and its army of lawyers making sure you’ll never play it.
It totally looks like something made by Microsoft circa 1998.
That’s little than a move to appease investors because they have little else to show the rest of the year.
I hope that Nintendo finally realized that they are sitting on a pile of money in mobile.
The show is a Stephen King/Spielberg mashup, as much as Mr Robot is a Fight Club/American Psycho tribute.
The PS2 Slim is still to me the most beautiful console ever made. Ever.
The most infuriating thing is getting insta-kicked from stuff that you normally breeze through in your current level.
Pokemon Go. I’m probably the only kid in town who doesn’t have a Snorlax.
Gotta catch ‘em all.
Because Bungie/Activision isn't behind it.
Actually, Atari came up with that idea a while ago. Their shitty mini consoles with about the same amount of games are a staple at places like TJ-Maxx.
You can just get a Raspberry Pi and perhaps house it in this console’s case.
Or you can get a Raspberry Pi, and one of those retro controllers, like people have been doing for years, and get to play PunchOut with Mike Tyson.