Perhaps if the crack wasn’t completely visible...
Perhaps if the crack wasn’t completely visible...
I think casual gamers are going to be more satisfied with the game than hardcore gamers. Casual gamers take their time, do exploration, complete side quests, hardcore gamers rush to level cap in hours and then complain they have nothing to do. They’re a harder audience to please. So, it depends how you approach the…
That kid should have known there’s an easier way of doing this: Photoshop.
It’s actually because those chips without a dedicated GPU that you don’t see any new games on the Mac, asides from indies. The only AAA big title that came out on the Mac this year is XCom 2, and you wouldn’t think of that game as a graphics juggernaut.
Blizzard is one of the biggest Mac developers out there, Overwatch is the first Blizzard title that won’t be on the Mac.
That’s not correct, you can play almost every indie game out there on the Mac right now (but Stardew Valley). However, from Underworld to Firewatch you could play them on the Mac on day one. AAA games is another story. Macs below $2000 don’t have the graphics power to pull a AAA game, and that’s why you don’t see many…
It took about the same time.
Every loot-based game, ever.
They’re going to patch this before I even get a chance to try it.
There’s something refreshing of the exploration in Firewatch, specially when the environment is a joy to watch. The graphics in That Dragon Cancer look hideous, leaving all its weight to the storytelling, which you can simply look at in Let’s Plays.
I bet you don't see many people wearing Hawaiian shirts and flip flops in Alaska.
I just realized the only Ubisoft game on Steam you can play on a Mac is Rocksmith.
Let’s call the courses, Super GTA5 Maker.
Finally reached level 30 in The Division. Now let’s see this endgame people complain about.
Destiny it’s all about crushing your hopes. You should have asked someone before starting to play it.
What will happen when your fears about matchmaking are proven unfounded. Be careful what you wish for!
Sigh. I think that’s the reason Nintedo should get out of the console business. Their games will reach out to far more people on other platforms. They can keep the peripherals and the handhelds, if they don’t want to go full third-party.
Well, I have spent 40 hours in the game so far, paired up with people and played solo. Done missions, side missions and plenty of exploration which I believe is underrated in this game, since it often rewards you for going off the beaten path. The production values and attention to detail are top noth. I have been…
In Destiny the NPCs are merely rep vendors, not such thing as running into the random civilian, or dog.
Destiny doesn’t hold a candle to this game, even after more than a year of trying to fix it.