8-bit and JRPGs get a lot of hype, but mobile gaming has been the best incubator of videogame music for quite some time.
8-bit and JRPGs get a lot of hype, but mobile gaming has been the best incubator of videogame music for quite some time.
Apparently someone here haven’t seen the sex scenes in The Witcher 3.
If you want a little taste of rejection, check out last year’s friendzone sim “Emily is Away”.
Me too! Not even bothering to pick it up until I read a few reviews.
Apple has opted for an aesthetics over horsepower approach, something that Steve Jobs would pout at if he was around today.
Advertising has standards?
It’s not like Destiny is free for misleading advertising either, but hey. This is Kotaku, which sometimes feels like reading Al Bungie-ra.
Normally Ken Watanabe is the actor that gives Japanese cred to these type of movies.
All Bungie games pre Halo were Mac exclusives. Halo 2 was the first Bungie game that wasn't on the Mac.
Shadow of Mordor? Bioshock Infinite? Alien Isolation?
GTA 5 did none of the mistakes of Destiny, and holds up quite well (and still making boatloads of money). The Division should take notes from that game.
Best news I’ve seen today.
I think Donald Trump is going to be the final boss of all video games from now on.
His Twitter account is the only reason to have Twitter. I keep checking it just to see what he’s going to say next.
I declared this game a “no buy” when I saw what they did to Ken, so I’m going to grab my popcorn and watch this from a safe distance.
Quiet Humps! Bring it on!
I wouldn’t want Dice overlords, EA, to put their dirty paws on any of this.
My policy since the PS2 has never failed me. I buy the game a year later, when it’s half the price and a GOTY edition has all the goodies. Playing games on the Mac makes this policy far easier.