
I think Donald Trump is going to be the final boss of all video games from now on.

His Twitter account is the only reason to have Twitter. I keep checking it just to see what he’s going to say next.

I declared this game a “no buy” when I saw what they did to Ken, so I’m going to grab my popcorn and watch this from a safe distance.

Quiet Humps! Bring it on!

I wouldn’t want Dice overlords, EA, to put their dirty paws on any of this.

My policy since the PS2 has never failed me. I buy the game a year later, when it’s half the price and a GOTY edition has all the goodies. Playing games on the Mac makes this policy far easier.

I refuse to play this game on the basis of what they did to Ken. Yeah, I'm that shallow, come at me bro.

I play on the Mac, so you’d think the controller support is equal between the two, but the X-Box controller also has an advantage.

This game didn’t recognize the PS4 controller at launch, so I had to reach for the keyboard to set it up, and yep, this should be standard now. I find more indie titles than AAA games with native support of the PS4 controller, Transistor and Apotheon come to mind. For a lot of recent games, I have to get used to the

If it gets too big, I'm sure Nintendo will start asking money off it, or demand to take down the streams.

The Twitch app on iOS is one of the few that uses the new capability of running a thumbnail screen while you’re using other apps. YouTube does it too, but you have to pay for YouTube Red.

I remember that on the 90s, I played the demo of Hot Shots Golf longer than I played a bunch of full games.

Playing the rest of the game doesn't feel much different.

I still think MOBAS are the worst types of games to watch. I can never tell what the hell is going on in those games, but to each their own.

Wait, what kind of game is Destiny?

Why did I see that?

I played it on my MacBook Pro and the settings were all over the place. Despite having support for the PS4 controller, it didn’t recognize it, and I had to set it manually. The frame rate was also abysmal until I played a bit with the settings and got a great combination of graphics and fps, but it took me 10 minutes

Well, they have issues since launch which were never fixed. The #1 is the rewarding system not being rewarding. Bungie also insists that the game shouldn’t have matchmaking in some areas, despite being a big complaint since launch. It has costed them a few players, but apparently not as many as to not keep the policy.

The Destiny player is a different breed.