Tech prices always go down after first adopters blow fortunes. A 26” flatscreen was $1200 in 2006.
Tech prices always go down after first adopters blow fortunes. A 26” flatscreen was $1200 in 2006.
Is that 1980s EA experimenting with ways to screw people?
Yet so many legit developers can’t escape Apple’s censors.
No wonder Japanese developers are struggling. The tastes of their local market are completely unaligned with the rest of the world.
Overwatch and The Division are the two games I’m hyped for in 2016.
While I’m not condoning piracy, we have to admit that we all have benefited from it one way or another, iTunes was the answer to piracy in the music industry, so you got those 99¢ songs thanks to people going crazy on Napster. Pirating Game of Thrones forced HBO’s hand to provide a service similar to Netflix. Steam,…
If you can afford $2000 for a gaming rig, I think this thing will be in your ballpark. This is not the end of the world, the $600 tag fits properly for early adopters. Backers, the real early adopters, are getting it for a much better price. They are owned by Facebook, which means they can wait a while until…
Wait, people use IRC in 2016?
Yeah, I think the stripped down version is coming at one point, and a revision done with cheaper components. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see them at $400 by Christmas.
That’s until VR porn turns it into a necessity.
Welcome to the world of hardware porn.
I don’t know if it’s a spoiler, but the aftermath of the climax at the fortress drags the story far longer than you expect.
Television? That dying medium that provides American old people reality shows, Fox News, home shopping and Viagra commercials? Is the brass at Activision aware that ESPN is in trouble, or that at one point Oprah thought having her own channel was a good idea?
What are the stakes of a regular pro sports team losing? Lots of angry fans on talk radio demanding to bench a player or fire the coach.
It’s Activision we’re talking here. They will use their IPs. Since Call of Duty is a joke as competitive game goes, and even the most rabid Destiny fans say their PvP is also a joke, I assume Hearthstone and Overwatch will be their main events.
Soundless Mounts.
It’s still money for Microsoft. Unless you still have Windows 7, which means M$ hasn’t seen money for you in a while.