
Seriously, after all the money the had spent advertising the next DLC, the least they need is another 2000-word Kotaku essay.

Cue the parade of suckers who are making a shit ton of money for a game that’s dangerously lowering the standards of the industry, and proud of it, criticizing the critics.

That’s great and all, but LFG shouldn’t be forced on people. Matchmaking doesn’t forbid you from using those sites. It’s another case of Bungie making you play their game how they want you to, reason I’m glad I’m not part of it. Those fuckers treat people like cattle.

“Matchmaking for raids would be a disaster”, is the video game equivalent of “Gay marriage will cause the destruction of society” or “raising taxes on the wealthy will destroy the economy”.

The most hilarious thing is that the PS4 PSN (subscription based) have no exclusive features or anything better than the PS3 PSN (free).

If the game comes loaded with DRM, I’ll try to pirate it just out of spite, even if I have no intention to play it.

Archie Comics is the pacifier parents would pick up at the supermarket line to tame their kids. It's a sad day for them.

Interestingly, it was not having to deal with Origin what made me choose between Cities Skylines over Sim City.

I’m too old to barely acknowledge his existence, and I think I like to keep it that way.

I had the season pass, but I didn’t really use it. I remember the pirate map was sort of okay, but the others were a mess. The pyramid map and the Predator map were hideous. Frankly, it was Extinction that kept me playing the game until the summer.

Nothing unlocks matchmaking. Not even Red Bull.

AKA use the plugs to one of the many wholes in the game that Bungie doesn't bother to fix.

“Trials of Osiris has become a minor (okay, major) obsession of mine. (I’ll have more about it later this week.)“

What killed Ghosts for me was the horrible map design, and replacing the UAV killstreak. The UAV thing killed the flow of the matches, and made the game more campy. The IEDs were extremely irritating too.

I saw this post and I had to double-check I wasn’t somehow redirected to the Destiny subreddit.

This is the future of gaming. And it’s damn scary.

Another game I already own on the PS3 that I’ll have to buy again to play on the PS4?

I didn’t follow this show despite all the hype, because the first couple of episodes left me confused and bored. Other than Game of Thrones I think HBO is falling short of its premium cable price.

In the next 10 years, 90% of JRPGs will use this technology.

I think Metal Gear Solid is perfect as it is.