
For those here too young, The Legend of Zelda was the first console game that saved your progress. All the games from that time, from Mike Tyson’s Punchout to Metal Gear, required a password.

Every time I forget this game exists, Kotaku is kind to put a reminder.

I spent actual money on Home. I still think it’s a good idea. They just have to focus on the stuff that worked and relaunch it.

There is this thing called "demos" that have been used for a while. If the developer doesn't have any, we should understand the risks.

What is the technical might of this game that it can't come out on PS3?

What makes YOU believe that you are an authority on anything?

I had no idea what I'm talking about, yet I am able to assure that the game wasn't coming this year at the time of announcement.

The game was never coming out this year. Any cool-headed person who watched the teaser would have known that it was barely out of concept art when it was announced. The date given was a pacifier to people who would have dropped the console knowing it will take at least two years to see any release.

The comment is in this article, in case you want to look for it...

The fight started because dataminers finally proved that the game's vendor, Xur didn't pick his stock randomly as Bungie tried to make people believe.

I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo already considers the Wii U dead and buried, but they're afraid to tell fans.

Check the timestamp of my comment in the picture. Can I have a cookie now?

Look for the article of last year's E3 teaser. Check what I posted on the comments.

I only know the wrong answer: The Wii U hardware reskinned with a new gimmick.

Konami has made a mint out of my Castlevania ringtones. But Castlevania hasn't had any good music since 1997.

I can wait until they get their thing right. We don't want another Watch Dogs or Destiny disappointing us.

Sony didn't charge you to play online. That was a huge difference. The game exclusives not such. There's always a big title you will miss because of your console of choice, no matter which one you pick.