It depends, because now you possibly have to spend an extra hour to grind glimmer for upgrades. This upgrade thing is so wrong...
It depends, because now you possibly have to spend an extra hour to grind glimmer for upgrades. This upgrade thing is so wrong...
It's not like players are missing much. I saw Xur list for Christmas, and he may as well be the Grinch. The rifle he's selling has like three different handicaps (slowest fire rate in the game, average damage, terrible iron sights). Expect that rifle to be a staple every weekend now. Whoever logs in will wish he left.
Someone must be making millions out of the book "Hacking Sony for Dummies"
Could have been worse. They could have switched it for an Xbox One.
Why the hell PSN is still down, but Xbox is already on?
They are not immortal. I once I had to backtrack a lot because I didn't know Lydia was dead, then I found her body deep in a dungeon. I had to use an old save.
I am scared to go back to Skyrim, because I am afraid I will stay there more time than it's healthy.
If you want to play without a companion, that's your problem. I have Lydia to carry my burdens, not matter how much she eyerolls when I ask her to.
Good gawd, now we're micro-managing fucking nails?
Every news that involves Lizard Squad and Kim Dotcom is scrapping the bottom of the barrel of the Internet. I get soiled just by looking at it.
Not A Good Match For: Anyone looking or a game with a coherent story, people who don't like repeating missions, people who want to progress quickly through a game.
"Think anyone else is in here? Besides me, I've seen no one. But when I look up to where the sky should be... I see you. And I know... you can hear me."
Your experience with RNGesus doesn't apply to all. I saw better drops at the Loot Cave than any of the stuff you mentioned.
Destiny is the perfect lump of coal to your not-so-loved one. Watch him yelling in frustration over the abysmal reward system, the F2P game style grinding, the patronizing Cryptarch mocking him with "There's not many of those left!" After decrypting a blue pair of boots. Destiny, the game that keeps on giving (not…
Exactly. Considering most women don't bother with gaming forums. When the Kim Kardashian game had an issue, its players didn't flock to Kotaku, they went to put their complaints on (wait for it...) Instagram!
I'm new to many of these monetization schemes, but I can justify some. Example, if a F2P game is enjoyable, I would pony up some money. After all, it has acquired some value. When these things stink are in two games I got from Activision, which coincidentially are the last two games I'll ever buy from that company.
I think the list is VERY accurate, and, as I said before, the two best games of the year, were two games from 2013. That's how bad 2014 was.
Sony has a gradual evolution, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel in every interaction.