
Missing from the video

It will. I seriously think a lot of people should start unplugging Bungie's dick out of their anuses, but they seen to enjoy it too much.

What if I get this game as a gift for Christmas? I'm going to find this "F.U. buy the DLC" crap right out of the box.

As the patches go, you mean stuff that should have been in the game at launch, like voice chat for matchmaking?

I bought the season pass along with the game, and I still think it's pretty lame they are locking events to people who doesn't buy DLC. As far as the DLC goes, I am not looking forward to all the grinding coming with it. It's not fun to even think of it.

Post Activision Bungie is a little like post Return of the Jedi George Lucas.

Many MMOs F2P out there or just the price of the game. Plus, Destiny is an MO, not an MMO (the first M stands for "Massive" a word that has nothing to do with Destiny.)

Someone should do a 10 hour loop version of this video. It will have the same entertainment value of the game.

So this means we're not getting Flappy Bird, GOTY edition.

Whatevz. I play 2048 far more than Threes.

So it's the FPS MMORPG officially a thing now? Bungie has done it with Destiny, but they also tried to mix a shooter with a fighting game once (Oni) and that didn't take off.

If any other developer would have thrown a game with linear, repetitive levels, and just enough content to burn in a weekend, it would have been DOA. But Bungie does it, and fanbois are raving, saying "then why you spend 200 hours on the game?" (because the game artificially extends its life with completely arbitrary,

If I was there, I'd made sure he had rotten tomatoes slammed to his face.

Uh, no. This Zelda is being rushed to market because the Wii U doesn't have much time left. I won't be surprised if either the game dissapoints or is delayed.

Destiny sucks, but I agree with you with Valiant Hearts.

No 10/10 game this year in my opinion. Last year I considered GTA5 and The Last of Us 10/10s (their re-releases are the best games of 2014). The year before that, Guild Wars 2, and The Walking Dead, the year before that, Skyrim.

Best online experience of 2014.

That console is still in my bedroom. I can't retire the console I first played Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, Tony Hawk Pro Skater, Resident Evil, Tekken, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night... and that's just a few of the games I can think of.