“The soul is very damaged, I hope that a light will come again.”
“The soul is very damaged, I hope that a light will come again.”
“on second thought, maybe dressing like a sperm and flying down a mountain on a sled made of swords isn’t the best idea I’ve ever had”
Well, it takes a jagwagon to know a jagwagon.
Philly? Half the reason we rioted for the Super Bowl was because everyone said we would.
In honor of #BlackHistoryMonth, we pay tribute to the transatlantic slave trade. Would there be a #BlackHistoryMonth without it? #makesyouthink #larrylegend
‘We will next honor the first white Bostonian to declare he has a lot of of black friends.’
Has some pedantic gun nut explained the difference between an assault rifle and its semi-automatic counterpart yet?
Detailed analysis of dong shots is just one of the many features that keeps readers returning to this site.
Better hair, too!
Didn’t know Nick Foles played the other football.
He looked mildly excited to be playing today.
As CNBC regularly broadcasts Jim Cramer, most viewers didn’t notice a difference.
“You done?”
found the old white dude.
Dude, Chinamen is not the preferred nomenclature.
Streaming is just another aspect of the cloud, and the cloud is fucked. You are ALWAYS at someones else’s mercy on the cloud.
I have never had any interest in streaming music. I just don’t care to. But that’s me. I buy my music, I own my music. Forever (backed up across a few devices). And it’s at my fingertips anytime on my phone (I have an Android so I have the capability to upgrade storage to whatever I need, still lots of storage left),…
Oh man, this is so right on. Just last week I cancelled my YouTubeRed/Google Play Music subscription so I could funnel that $10/month into OWNING the DISCS again. Just bought three albums I’d been missing last night. Turns out if you buy from Amazon, you get the best of both worlds (I didn’t know this). As soon as I’d…